Saturday, December 21, 2019


The bigger the Xmas list,

the bigger the X
mas. Call Mom.
Check for Alan.
Do a lot of things
for a whole bunch
of names I get
mixed up with,
get mixed into,
don’t want
to give away.
Giving is caring.
Go to the rodeo.
Call Lyft to re
move false
Forget about
the fraud you
met for a mov
ie that night.
Try not to be
lieve the per
son you nev
er met gave
you your
soul back.
Take that
last item
off the list.
Believe in
fraud with
out becom
ing his (its)
victim’s lo
go. Go Tig
ers. Unlock
old phone.
Try not to
get lost a
gain, to go
to sleep on
the sidewalk.
Talk to the
people who
knock on
your door.

gold star