Sunday, December 08, 2019


Sorry for the Delay

Hi, has it been a problem? I mean
of course not, but I was remember-
ing earlier how last year seems like
yesterday. Or so very long ago. I
just noticed that you cannot have
the word agony without ago. And
it is right there at the beginning. Had
I never noticed this before? Is it a pro-
blem? What has made me notice now?
I mean, is the obvious always so obvious?

Dumb question. Of course not. I, for
one (as if there are others; are there
others?), cannot get Freud out of my
subconscious. Except, how could I know
that Freud was even in my subconscious
(duh because sub; I’ve always been
much more of a dom)? “Well isn’t that a
conversation stopper!” Who said that? I
want to immediately write a book about con-
versation stoppers. Well, actually just about

conversations. To narrow it down further, how
to actually have one. It seems to me that people
do not have them anymore. I have this theory (Is
this already a thing? Have I been beaten to the
punch, the pacifist, to his one significant theory?)
that this is because everyone exists in their own i-
maginary world. Well most everyone? I’d like to
say not me (of course), but not remembering your
past is sort of like living in a made-up world, am I
right?.... Anyway, when confronted with the gate-

way into the realm of reality, we freeze, choke
up, incapable of setting foot through it, either
by inevitably diverting from the entrance (this
can be done by sternly deciding not to even
dip a toe into the reality realm altogether
or by tucking tail between legs and galumph-
ing away like the Cowardly Lion) or by refusing
to even wander anywhere near the perimeter
or by getting anywhere remotely near the
fabled gateway to reality — ever again.
