Thursday, April 09, 2020


adventure bridge

testing, testing, 1,
2, 3, 4. five. 1, 2, 3.
4, five. that was.

that was really a
fantastic choice,
mister marvelous.

it was almost an
adventure bridge
leading us assuredly

to the next level.
it was this big fluffy
cloud in the shape

of a giant lemming—
and it’s got a silver
lining which, if we

chase in our electric
automobile all the way
to albuquerque (and we

do!) we’ll find that
it not only sparkles but
glows in the dark!

it’s midnight in
albuquerque now
and i am having

an epiphany a
catharsis an
aha moment a

that makes it
so obvious to me

how true this
too good that
you are to me

cannot con-
ceivably be.
but even a

dream is okay
with me. so long
as not until after

which do the
walls come
down with a

mighty tumb
ling crash
which nothing

falls through
not even the
other shoe;

the very same
shoe, which, when
on the other foot

is tingling with
sleep having

just awoken from
the sweetest most
floaty of dreams.

but because i
am used to this
by now i’ve got it

and i didn’t
even forget to
stretch it to its

limit to milk
it for as long
as is humanly

and humane
ly impossible.
so. we part

ways in
the desert
do not look

back i owe
you my life
my deepest

thank you
(you may
say it’s ver

boten but i
must not say
so). therefore

my sweet in
delible love
i bid you not

only a fond
adieu, but
I bid it

most ost
my raging

and not

