Tuesday, September 15, 2020


The time is now.

History suggests 
that now is the 
time.  Now is 
where the me 
of the future 
will focus his 
gaze in order
to see me.
Ill be using
with the latest
along with
all of the 
focus I can
muster, just 
to hone in to
me now.  In
order, that is,
to determine
how on- or
the future
me is.  This
will most hope-
fully arm him
(the future me) 
with whatever we
need to adjust
our course
Should I make
this place bright,
go find a spotlight
to stand underneath?
Should I make a big
mess so Im easy
to find or slyly
hide my exact
somewhere I
am sure that I
will find when
the time arrives;
that best moment
to come in which
now can most 
possibly become
impactful? But. 
Might I even offer
a clue at all as to
whether I'm going
the right way, or
whether, instead,
I have ventured 
wildly astray?
It just seems
to me that I 
could not even
possibly offer 
the tiniest clue
to the me of
the future as
to whether
either of us
is aiming in
any way at
the place we 
hoped to live
to see – and, if 
not – how might
poor pitiable me
of now hold the
key to finding
which way that
would be? What
help might I 
give so that
an even elder 
me might final-
ly arrive?  Why,
given the me of
now, should I
even think it
a chance 
there’d be a
future me? 
This is a bit
of a quandary,
and one that
appears as
urgent as it 
is hopeless. 
Time is of the
essence, they
say.  But given 
how far off course 
we’ve sure to have
drifted, thanks esp-
ecially to me, and 
the lousy timing 
of my recent
detours, will
it even matter
if I am found?
Will there even
be a me that 
repeats the
same exercise
that the me
of times past
and future (?)
have been so 
meticulous to 
repeat (but how
long this repeti-
tion), now that 
I have proven
wisdom and
maturity irrel-
evant when it
comes to the 
pie in the sky 
notion that
life is best
as a quest for
paradise?  That
age makes the
human?  That
the best years
in life are, stat-
istically speaking,
yet to come?  Or 
did I have it wrong 
all along?  Am I
following this
inherent / in-
map toward
an impossible
nirvana?  One
that I never
shall, in this
see?  For
what great
fete befits
this existence,
a journey or
a destination?
I suppose I’d
better quickly
make my mark 
as pronounced
as I can.  Because
on the whole, I’d rather
give us all a chance
to see.  Hello out
there!  I hope you
can find me!  Here 
I am.  Hey!  If
you’re out there 
can you please 
look at me!