Thursday, September 17, 2020


Text Message No. 10
(I think, therefore I am.)

How does one plow through
anything a day or month...
...might bring when every-
things so important.
That's right, when no-
thing is not extremely
important.  Life or
death; do or die.
Its a scientifically
proven fact that
stress shortens life.
So.  More life?
Or more stress?
A rational person
 (Dont look at me!
might very well argue
that the hedonists
had the right idea
all along.  We
had always
found nirvana.
With enough 
logic, anything
can be proven
(right or wrong).
So Im the mad
scientist stuck
in his little box
of a laboratory
all day metic-
ulously proving
that nothing
is wrong;
that, in fact
everything is 
just awesome.
I may not
make much
headway on
all of the tough
problems that seem
to get tougher and
tougher as time
rolls along.  But
my research al-
ways comes to
the spirit-lifting
conclusion that 
stress does not
even exist,
and, to boot,
I do.  So,
what are you all
worried about?
I wonder, but only
just a little bit.