Tuesday, November 03, 2020


Crop Shadow

I am dumb fucking dumb fucking dumb for Zero. In
me is another me that can yet see this nothing story 
develop. U equals the Italian postcard that I shall
never C. That is only a small crumb of this dumb
limbo that I write for the dogs. The unflattering
crop circles proceed to digest the inevitable pill
kisses of summer. Red roses red roses let Moses
come hither. I am dumb fucking dumb and this dis
ruptive intimacy is, by all measure of predictability, 
a wash, a big green turtle wash. Like you said of the
elements, of the brew brew elephants, it is another un
volve of me another flaw like the birds another warmum
for supper. And it tastes like [apple]. Find me another rend 
ering to begin with. Boy, this one stinks of rotten headaches.
