Thursday, November 12, 2020


Ninja Kitty Neon

Back to square one. No way to see which language
stinks of rotten headaches. The soaked pigeons of
Italy have flown their coops, recouped rosy Mount
Dragonsnort. Everyone lies in true stories. Always
curious, Ninja Kitty knows nothing of details, examines
each symbol like a rubber apple. Death to the plotbots!
Life is never less than normal. Each valiant player has
her own set of rules. E.g., Zero equals one. All of the
squares know that. With Kaiju and Zero in cahoots,
pills flow freely. We milk the summer for each dim
bulb, every cheap bruise. Look at the water—back to
Zero! No way to swim into it, not the soaked silence
it used to be, going nowhere. Scratch hard our velour
[rabbits] – in another language this wouldn’t be okay.

Ninja Kitty Neon