Sunday, November 15, 2020


Shadow City

The spotlights dim as clunky towers crap out in Ninja
Kitty City. Glowworms growl and scurvied legs plot
rhythm in each broken alley, never quite a cakewalk.
Chinatown’s headachy with blottoed pigeons. I can’t
sleep beneath the rainless starts and stops, am driven
to torturing portraits. Life’s dim bulbs burn orange,
burn red at the vile bay’s cumbersome berths. Eyes
to see with, Zero looks forward, spells trouble, glowers
for apocalypse. I have a pain down my shoulder, right
behind my [heart]. Make it somebody else’s ocean;
wring its grease-rags of each city-borne sneeze. Dumb
stars debunk death, bite attack rockets mounting escape.
There are none. Life is never less than apple. Blink again
Kaiju, blink until we each glow red with death’s bracken.
