The problem here—
the catch; or to
overuse a cliche,
the irony that I’ve
just unwittingly
set up—lies in
the plurality of
the word we.
Meaning (ob-
viously), in this
particular case,
many (mini-)
mes. Or, more
likely, Me (n):
despite his del-
usional and ov-
erarching life-
long ass-
piration of
being a wit
(...of some
renown), has
been here-
tofore per-
ceived in-
variably (if
at all) as
quite a
theless, he
does most
often enjoy
being per-
ceived (if at
all. And) as del-
usion (which,
if all goes
be what gets
me up out of
bed and on
my merry way
to wherever
it is that I
shall be at
this time