Friday, December 18, 2020


I'll Be Home for Christmas

Dear Faraway bLIZZARD,

It’s christmas YES christmas
the cloudy steepled sky yells
CHRISTMAS!  Even the 
hummingbirds notice.
They’re wearing teeny-
tiny WREATHS!  (It’s the 
1st time in 6 YEARS I’m a-
LONE A loan? It’s) stair- 
steps up from the courtyard
(steep hyphens that make the
holidays even hAPPIer!); it
bright city clangor vibration
baritone orange (a turkey HANG
OVER) deep inside the grey
guardrails; making your cold
grip feel a bit arthritic, while
up from around your legs swirl
more ORANGE - fist-sized 
leaves that sigh as they rise - 
in a rare sign of (autumn 
departs / winter enters) a 
San Francisco season.
What the weather [sic]
must do to the poor CHILDren,
i wonder.  The SKY
’s up there
somewhere - it’s YELLing
SHOUTing tons and tons and
TONS of (KISSES!  Each of them
moist-ish) chrISTMAS YESses.
This generous racket is aimed
gracelessly, in no particular 
direction (the howling runnels 
collide with the swervy tops of
eucalyptuses - such CACA-
PHONY), so they’re impossible 
to avoid: INcoming / OUTgoing 
WHOOMP(!)S of seasonal cheer 
that RIP through your gut with 
such an electric ZING that you’ll
REEL - and then pause in your
crouch.  And when you see fit
just to lift up your eyeballs, 
what’s to be seen is a
city that’s gone such a 
dizzying red and green
that you’ll find yourself 
asway and yet stuck
to the busy sidewalk 
for who knows how long 
imagining yourself a 
casualty in the BLOOD-
iest battle of a war among
the world’s entire population 
of FROGS.  There you are 
in a city of strangers,
sapped clean of spirit -
and you haven’t even
(what’s worse is
that you couldn’t 
do so even if you 
wanted to). 
cognizant that
you are now 
limping back
home (which
is on the seedy
side of town this
year; long story)
to the omnipresent
sound of sleigh bells
(or the onset of a
particularly loud 
case of tinnitus)
with the occasional
whip-crack clap of the
local junior high school 
bands slapstick.  So
you arrive at your 
door with a headache, 
immediately slip into
pajamas (the ones with
the mistletoe print) ... and
just before the day’s LAST
GASP, there’s a set of sirens
that pierce your ears from the
street below, a dull reminder 
that you’ve been stood up TWICE 
to have it later suggested - and 
not by the Messrs. Standers-Upper - 
that it was KARMA) ... and finally, there’s 
nothing left but to fall (like Alice down
the WELL) into a frenzied, fitful night of 
festive-repulsive nightmares (with a
soundtrack that includes SILENT NIGHT
and BLUE CHRISTMAS - as performed by 
the Chipmunks).  

Jingle Bells / Jangled Nerves

Jingle Bells / Jangled Nerves