Wednesday, December 16, 2020


You Always Have Such Great Things to Say

We snuck stealthily through a decade and a half
of such magnitude. Now that I have you (or I’ve
had you over), I’m spilling with blue youth
like a frenzy of eyes the glowingest blue.

This, of course, is the decade when the tablet of
what I tell you without yelling is not the pill that
I’ve become. Which is the man I never wanted to
be (I’m so sorry). This is as close to the gravitas

of inner thought (we only use 1% of its potential)
and what will happen to me over a decade and a half
from now (here I am). Never was there such a frenzy
in your eyes but when they glowed grey or with

those little glowing star-shaped specks. I never
wanted to be predictable. But the hills from which
I’ve come had just enough radioactivity to drive
me to sixty years old. We should all fear gravity.

You’ll love that there are many decades in which
40% of everything is all about what’s going on and
19% is all about deciding what to put in the history
books. The trucks barking next to the simmering

summer swimming pool are not exactly what was supposed
to happen. Any sense of WOW! of OMG! of My 60 year old
is what the doctor asks of the antiquated plums
(a blue glow) to assess what’s right and what’s true.