Thursday, February 18, 2021


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I’ve a wristwatch that reminds me of funerals. Sure, it’s a dead horse, but 
it still beats.  In the beginning, a frozen Cosmopolitan...that’s a fat “tune out” / 
past the video of no return.  49ers losing?  Disco ball in memory of Maurice
Gibb?  If random, then... (ok, explicate). _ _ _ who is SuRprising, alas. _ _ _
Whomever we love (dunk)!   I mean, on my arm for several hours because it
feels (“I wanna see your yesterday”) . . . just lie like that – seriously – these
are things I want to remember (cf., Dear Yahoo, etc.)....  Oh, I can see and
appreciate that (Green suede? Is this possible?).  What I do to alleviate...?
I just piece stuff together, but can’t seem to stop.  I’m wearing cargo pants!
Which pretty much explains everything (the stripes on my feet, the soles
of my socks.

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