Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Chapter 22: Marty Signals for a Break at the Emergency Exit

Reality got you down? Café Clement closed for renovations? Arrive at your
favorite park to find the once magnificent oak under which you spent more
hours in reverie than you can possibly count has been razed and severed
and stacked as if for firewood, no matter the year-round temperate clime
and the general dearth of magnificent oaks or anything suches? Catch
yourself audibly muttering bad-head-fog-bad-head-fog in time to your every
step as you march to and from appointments (which are usually those of the
medical sort)? Wonder often about extinction (particularly that of humanity,
whether in a general, natural causes fashion or in a sudden Armageddon-ish
one)? Getting just a little too stir-crazy? Or lethargic? Having trouble
balancing or navigating or managing your general person? Can’t seem to
reach proper lift-off speed? Do you find yourself submerged? Any interest
at all in a possible emergence? Can you roll over? Do you have the
capacity to dial out? Are your air passages obstructed in any way? Can
you find your voice? Are you breathing? Do you have an emergency
contact or might we notify your next of kin?

Marty Signals for a Break