Monday, June 28, 2021


The Enabler

this character shows up a lot,
and he just has this air of meta-
phorical importance throughout;
you know he’s going to really
tell us something before all
is said and done. right?

i’m not sure how best to
relay this to you. my approach
is, at the moment, improvisational.
for one thing the summation of that
which i am all too keenly aware is
that i do not want to talk about this
guy. i mean, what am i doing?

there’s this artist-type who lives
on what i suppose you might call
a sort of in-between area, where
selfish cohabits with selfless,
greed overlaps with charity,
materialism with idealism (or
any of the number of things
one might assert that the
opposite of materialism
might be), and so on;
for example, a person
who considers himself
a poet above all else might
earn a living working at an
accounting firm, or at a bank, 
or be a brinks security guard in
charge of an atm machine, or work
at an investment company. let’s not
continue to overstate the obvious,
because what I might be getting 
at, and this is just among many other
things that i may or may not be
at” here (if one were to spend a lifetime
“getting at” things, what might
one be able to say, and with
any amount of satisfaction
that doesn’t border on
delusion, at the end
of a lifetime, should
it have any heft or girth
at all, that one has actually
and finally gotten?  i mean, 
of all of the whatevers at
which one might be trying 
to get?  what can a person
say has been accomplished?  
can one say with confidence
that one has [yawn]
left the world a 
better place
than it was
when one 
arrived?) –

let’s say, for example,
that, and I believe I’m
getting a bit fuzzy, or
tangential (or perhaps
the word i should use
is redundant?) here
(who can say that
fuzzy, tangential
and redundant 
are not the very
triumvirate at 
which i am 
working so hard
trying to get” over
here?  did that twisted
wretch just toss us this
crooked wrench?” it might
be appropriately and perhaps 
even more vituperatively
queried), let’s say 
that i was born 
and raised here,
in this place, and
that i have attempted
to follow the rules as best
as i can, with some intentional
and some unintentional exceptions:

would i not be,
simply put, in
almost any
given those
few qualifications,
as a general rule, knowing
what you know only from what
you might have gleaned here,
complicit?  might it not
be automatically said, or,
might it even best be rather
said, by which i mean would it 
not be just as good and nice and
easy and even more correct to 
allow it to go without my
even saying, that i am 
complicit?  that i am, 
therefore, and above 
all else, hypocrite?

so you can see how
exhausting it might be [is!]
to dwell on this particular
character even if only
within the confines of
and again, just to
clarify, this specific 
and ridiculously long
and rambling semi-
narrative that I
claim is also,
(and do i thusly
have little or no 
need to even use 
the whole word,
in its entirety?),
while also making
absolutely certain,
repeatedly, continually
(and at this effort
almost unsparingly), 
that this is fiction.
like a mantra, as if sung
by the most obvious of fowl,
whose songs or pecking or chirps
permeate an environment and yet
despite the most herculean sleuthery
are next to impossible to lay a naked
set of eyes upon, do you not hear
our dear narrator pecking away at
his i am here but i am damned 
sure not here, can you dig?

there’s no real way
for a hippo to tiptoe away
in a pretty or graceful
or hushed fashion, is 

i do most earnestly hope that you 
can nevertheless begin to empathize
with me and my dilemma, and 
you might moreover even find it in 
your heart to forgive the 
fact that what i am 
throwing up here 
(both literally and, 
well, literally)
is such a clunker 
that one might wonder
how it made it out of
the factory door (which,
to be honest, in this case,
is not a very proverbial one,
given that this was more
or less tossed out
from the only 
window that can, 
and only with a tremendous
amount of exertion, might i add, be –
but just barely – pried a tiny bit
ajar way up here on the
executive floor of 
our illustrious company’s
international headquarters).

portrait of a consumer