Wednesday, June 30, 2021


The Con

It was an era
wherein if one
were to take the
steadily shrinking
perspective into
account, one
might be less
prone to get so
jacked up as the
blips on the antique
monitor get more
and more exaggerated.
Studies have shown
that, whether or not there is a
significant fluctuation in mortality rates,
be they holding steady, declining
or increasing at whatever
grade, steep or gradual,
humanity’s general giddiness,
on the whole, remains pretty
much the same. Furthermore, a
mortal that becomes aware
that it is finite,
by nature, is just
as likely to maintain
its demeanor,
be it elevated (optimistic)
or not (pessimistic) at a
steady rate until the
very end of its
existence as is one who
never reaches such awareness.
The same can be said about humans
with demeanors that have ebb and flow,
no matter the predictability of rate,
and no matter how manic
or how shallow in range, a human’s
general behavior
exhibited before its
awareness of mortality,
should such an awareness be
achieved, has no statistical bearing
on individual outlook
or demeanor after
said awareness.
In other words, true or
false, the very idea
of immortality is, in the
most basic sense,
irrelevant as it
relates to
a human’s
general disposition?

the con