Saturday, July 03, 2021


The Big Blue Box of Memorabilia
(part one: wherein I begin to describe to you
some of what I feel about memory.)

     I don’t want to live
     As if living were a way of acquiring things

                                          —Alli Warren

I find our various means and methods of retaining memory
incredibly curious, bizarre, frustrating and also of utmost relevance. 
so much of who we are is twinned with how we go about remembering,
and while much of these inner workings transpire on sub-levels, or 
are generally outside of our consciousness, and it must be noted that 
even these, the subconscious tactics we have, individually, of retaining 
memory, are incredibly disparate, the variety of natural methods or
ways in which we each go about keeping the important stuff with us
on some level, without even thinking about how we are doing it, are,
from everything I have seen and studied, so disparate, that our indivi-
dual modes of keeping these memories with us could be said to be 
personalities in and of themselves.  but as usual I am getting away
from what I mean to say, which is that the devices we use to cog-
nizantly assist ourselves to keep in our heads that which we may
need or want at some point later, whatever methods we might
utilize in doing so, and the list could be close to endless, well, I
strongly believe that our processes of accomplishing this is, in 
relation to all and every other thing that we do, as individuals,
these ways in which we go about consciously accumulating each
of the countless moments which we, in a split second choose
to try to (or try not to) remember, to keep for future reference, 
are of such importance that they are the foundation upon who we 
are, they are central to who I am.  for this profound reason, I try to keep
at least some focus on, some awareness on that process at all times.  in 
fact, I believe it imperative that I do so, inasmuch as it is possible.
that is, I always use all means necessary to keep my focus upon 
the mechanism that has me scraping the residue out of certain 
aspects, certain moments, as they are transpiring. all of the
things I pack away for any future use, in case I need to
remember something, so to speak.  and this I do no matter 
what else I may be doing.  I believe that what we use to coax
our bodies and our minds into keeping recollections of these
moments with us until long after an event actually occurs, 
that is the key; it is in fact everything.  each moment I encounter
in life soon becomes something so ephemeral, it becomes 
a piece of the past; and the accumulation of all of these 
moments equals who I am.  at any moment.  and at each
subsequent moment each of us evolves into something 
that is unique, that carries us into the next moment, in
which, once again, we are a different being than the
one who had only just previously been, and so on.  if I
am sounding repetitive, so be it, then the repetition itself
become the thread that holds it all together.  for maintaining 
an awareness of this process, of its existence and of the mech-
anics by which it operates, IS therefore everything.  it becomes 
me.  it is me.  the very act of remembering anything is my function, 
my purpose, is what gets me there, there being the hopeful and 
hopefully best possible next location, next moment, next me.  it 
would be impossible, for me or for anyone else, to retain a mem-
ory of each and every experience within each and every moment
in which we live.  so, if one at least builds an awareness of this pro-
cess, then one can consistently alter one’s trajectory, in ways, and 
this won’t always be the case, but as life goes on, if one keeps one
eye on this residue-plucking, upon what we are doing to what we collect,
with a mind on the reason, as I have suggested, and if one always maintains 
a particular and a practical focus on keeping as much of what we take
for use in future moments, one does live and learn, one does, in a 
general sense, get better at doing just that, this collecting with a
specific aim, and so in doing thus, in being thus, we are always 
altering our paths, tweaking our courses in ways both subtle and
overt, minute and gargantuan, that keep us on real and ideal, on a
road that takes us to the right moments, better ones overall.  i mean,
if we are disciplined enough they will, lead us to the better and 
possibly best places,  if this is how I spend a majority of my existence, 
always with any eye on remembering, and how I am remembering, 
then this being aware of the need to remember what we may actually
need in order that we may keep the movement going, exponent-
ially, and at an incline towards up, rather than a decline towards
something less or worse than what we just experienced, then we 
are always finding ways to better retain, and hence, always be-
coming better, always bettering, experiencing life with the
most satisfaction and pleasure and good that we we can
possibly muster.  figuring out how to increase this awareness
in such a way that it allows us to somehow discern what it is
that we should be retaining in the first place. it’s a process, it
never ends, and it give me a growing sense of purpose. it
clarifies my mission, allows me to hone in on my every goal,
and is always a paradox, a conundrum, a riddle. it is always
exploring impossibilities to get at possibilities, and to con-
tinually twist the mind in order to keep up with this in-
credible never-ending task of always being just on the
verge: of insanity, of dispersion, of irreconcilability, of 
truth, of love, of nirvana, of eternity.  and believe me,
this process keeps me satisfied enough, or at the very least, 
has me knowing that I am living as right as I can at most every 
turn. and, crucially, that I am doing my best and only getting
better.  doubt can overwhelm this journey, can reduce
visibility, but I believe in this process, and it is for this
reason that I write, it is why I am a writer, above all else,
it is how I can call myself a poet.  I write to remember.
and while it might seem a rather selfish thing, this always
bettering myself, always remembering what I have been
through, it can be terribly selfish and the way can be
suffocating, lonely, heartbreakingly so, at times. what in the
end keeps me from dizzily flailing about in a labyrinth
of self is my belief that memory is not only something an
individual retains to improve self but it is also a thing which
you and I carry together, so that we accumulate memory together
for and with our families, for and with our communities,
for and with our our species, and for and with all that is,
which is the vast home in which we live and of which every-
thing, living and unliving, is a part; and the whole of the
universe and all of the vast expanse that is, was and shall be.
it is all always evolving into something exactly not what it 
presently is, and will never be at all what it has been up to
now, and it will not be what it will be without your existence
nor without the existence of who you see here before you,
which I call myself.  we are of such importance that without 
you, or without me, without us, without who I am and who
you are and who we are together, each of us simply would
not be.  and, like I said, I find this incredibly important
and relevant, it shapes me, has me working as diligently
as is even possible, at doing whatever it is that is the best
that I am and can be.  it is not necessary that you feel
the way that I do about these things, but it is something
I am more than happy to relay. and on such a beautiful day
as today, what a better way to spend time than engaging 
with another human? no matter what your perspective 
on any of what I say to you now, how might I ever 
feel the kinship that exists, the magnetic pull, that exists 
between the two of us if I were at this alone?  it would 
be impossible for me to think for more than the
briefest moment that I am alone in this adventure, this
accumulation of our remembrances that keep us, like
ships’ compasses, always aware of from whence we
have come, of where we are at this very moment, 
and of the most appropriate course we are to take 
as we move forward.

(to be continued: for more of the story, drop by tomorrow)

a memory of me and of stephanie and of my book