Saturday, August 07, 2021


A Few Snippets from Conversations
That Were Spoken in English and 
Overheard at the Pachinko Parlour

          A de-happening.
                        —John Ashbery

“Me and all of these televised news segments!”

[There is a long pause where only the sounds from the pachinko machines can be heard.]

“I’ve been having such vivid dreams. I guess I was a television journalist. There was a competition, which I was of course winning. It was called Get the Lead Out, only instead of ‘PB’ lead metal pronunciation like the saying, it was lead pronounced LEED like headline or news lead. Now who gets that creative in their dreams?”

“Sorry, man.”


“I think I just woke you up.”

“How are you?”

“Tokyo sucks, man!”


copy of my first pachinko adventure