Hey you know how
lonely I always am because of you.
—John Ashbery
let’s stick with
metaphors here
as reality is too
nasty. so, it’s
a pep rally of
one. not much
of a rally, right?
metaphors, re
member? nas
ty reality. but
who cares, wh
en we have the
commotion of
the birds (have
i not quoted it
almost nearly
in its entirety
by now?)!? n
ow that i’ve
returned fr
the commer
cial break, w
hat shall we
do? why, h
at tricks, of
course! you
pull out the
rabbits wh
ile i go get
the baloney.
we can me
et in the m
iddle, betw
een the lov
ely lady’s s
awed off t
op and bot
tom halves.
sound good?