(a waltz; for l
ack of further
dis crumply
’tis [of thee].
uh, thi
s need
s work.)
okay, so now
that the title’s
been offered,
been offered,
please forget
it because it’s
100% irrelevant
(or is it?) (damn,
sorry, just kid
ding, it is!) (i
rrelevant, i
mean). let
me start a
gain. okay,
so it’s better
today to use
a phrase like
sustained inn
ovation than
disruptive any
thing is the pr
emise here. i
can see that,
but let’s not
even begin t
o deny such
such innova
shin is always
at play, and in
terms of old, a
s in old school,
business, or e
ven just the n
otion of old fa
shioned – esp
ecially in bidd
en hiss – that
which brings
in the dough,
so to speak
(which i’m
not. speak
ing, that is),
in terms of
old anything,
things beco
me flatulent,
or else a frag
ding, it is!) (i
rrelevant, i
mean). let
me start a
gain. okay,
so it’s better
today to use
a phrase like
sustained inn
ovation than
disruptive any
thing is the pr
emise here. i
can see that,
but let’s not
even begin t
o deny such
such innova
shin is always
at play, and in
terms of old, a
s in old school,
business, or e
ven just the n
otion of old fa
shioned – esp
ecially in bidd
en hiss – that
which brings
in the dough,
so to speak
(which i’m
not. speak
ing, that is),
in terms of
old anything,
things beco
me flatulent,
or else a frag
ment, stagnant?
i cannot read m
y own hand wri
thing, here.
today, the
savvy are
mostly al
ways look
ing for any
chinks in t
he armor, o
ur armoire
are houri, o
wer own per
sonal am
our, let’s
i write, is it?) a no-
win for the tried a
nd true? the staid
mechanisms which tim
e and tide have shown
and do all of the beach
es, and do all of the go
vernment agencies, and
do all of the duds, all of
ight soon be available
for sale, by which i me
an what planet should i
thing, here.
today, the
savvy are
mostly al
ways look
ing for any
chinks in t
he armor, o
ur armoire
are houri, o
wer own per
sonal am
our, let’s
just leave
it at that f
or now....
the savvy
today are
just lookin’
for chinks
in our arm
our, are al
ways looki
n’ for such
chinks, and
i do mean al
ways, and th
ere just so hap
pen to always
be words, such
as always, that
i cannot for the
life of me figure
out what i meant
to have written it
to mean, though
the savvy
today are
just lookin’
for chinks
in our arm
our, are al
ways looki
n’ for such
chinks, and
i do mean al
ways, and th
ere just so hap
pen to always
be words, such
as always, that
i cannot for the
life of me figure
out what i meant
to have written it
to mean, though
it be just written
this morning. to c
ontinue, i do me,
an always better
and more colorful
and more lucrative
way of reaching t
hat stated or desi
red goal, or of co
mpletely erad
icating that s
this morning. to c
ontinue, i do me,
an always better
and more colorful
and more lucrative
way of reaching t
hat stated or desi
red goal, or of co
mpletely erad
icating that s
ad goal, of m
aking sure one
that’s perhaps
that’s perhaps
in the same fa
mily as the old
goal, but has mo
re panache and/or
most often necess
arily gets the job d
one. and better and
faster and cheaper
.... am i missing so
mething, like clean
er or clearer? (yea
goal, but has mo
re panache and/or
most often necess
arily gets the job d
one. and better and
faster and cheaper
.... am i missing so
mething, like clean
er or clearer? (yea
h, more than likely).
and, let’s be clear
here, the way to t
he greatest could in
and, let’s be clear
here, the way to t
he greatest could in
deed be cheaper, e
ven as millions of con
sumers are, more ofte
n than not, willing to d
ole out more money
for the fastest, the
tastiest, the most e
fficient aspects of
the hypothetical r
for the fastest, the
tastiest, the most e
fficient aspects of
the hypothetical r
esult. it is (or did
i write, is it?) a no-
win for the tried a
nd true? the staid
mechanisms which tim
e and tide have shown
are quite proven to work.
after all? do i even
have to work? what’
s an office? what i
after all? do i even
have to work? what’
s an office? what i
s, and here’s an ar
ea, situated so spe
cifically for its own des
truck shin, and, boy, w
hat an area it is for dis
rupting, and for being
disrupted and/or disrup
tive, it’s the parcel most
positively in need of
a change, any chan
ce of it being an evolu
shin nary process, it’s an
ecology for disrupting, for
destroying, for rebuilding
it in one’s image, for
your personal priorit
ies, for your business
priorities, for just cuz i
wanna priorities, with w
hom should one speak?
are there any bots or a
multitude of bots or even
more bots plus robots for
which to hug our consumers?
to what should we most often
non sequitur? to whom might
one beg? you, my friends, are
getting the idea. i can see a g
limmer in your eye, the left one,
at least, the one that seems al
ways to be looking right at me.
you’re in the know, aren’t you?
yeah, you know what, you’re
not only in the know but you
know perfectly well that you
do that thing that you do,
and how it gets! me. the
streetlamp. all the cats an
d dogs. other people. ev
erything. you know what
’s imp and what’s non-pro
blematically ignored, you
know what’s in, and you
’re perhaps aware of the
deus ex machina that’s
so obviously coming (a
nd soon!). these are y
our tried and true and
seminal and boring, r
what you’ve been coun
ting on for who knows
how long just to be ce
rtain that what needs
to get done gets done.
right? soon, each and
every one of us left w
ill be the grunts you’ve
enslaved to ever so gle
efully and effortlessly u
p the ante, to change th
e universe, making ever
y rockin’ day as if it were
the last, as if nobody’d ev
er realized that the night
mares we all have could
rather be used to wash
and wear, or did i simply
write to weather, or
maybe it’s whatever,
but i think what it re
ally says is wagon wh
eel. yes, unlike hum
ans who are exactly l
ike me, i cannot spot
one of you sad sacks,
in, like an instant, so
please kindly tell me
if you’d’ve been rath
er generous: the ch
it that I shouldn’t’ve
given up today was so
generous that i’m bei
wanna priorities, with w
hom should one speak?
are there any bots or a
multitude of bots or even
more bots plus robots for
which to hug our consumers?
to what should we most often
non sequitur? to whom might
one beg? you, my friends, are
getting the idea. i can see a g
limmer in your eye, the left one,
at least, the one that seems al
ways to be looking right at me.
you’re in the know, aren’t you?
yeah, you know what, you’re
not only in the know but you
know perfectly well that you
do that thing that you do,
and how it gets! me. the
streetlamp. all the cats an
d dogs. other people. ev
erything. you know what
’s imp and what’s non-pro
blematically ignored, you
know what’s in, and you
’re perhaps aware of the
deus ex machina that’s
so obviously coming (a
nd soon!). these are y
our tried and true and
seminal and boring, r
what you’ve been coun
ting on for who knows
how long just to be ce
rtain that what needs
to get done gets done.
right? soon, each and
every one of us left w
ill be the grunts you’ve
enslaved to ever so gle
efully and effortlessly u
p the ante, to change th
e universe, making ever
y rockin’ day as if it were
the last, as if nobody’d ev
er realized that the night
mares we all have could
rather be used to wash
and wear, or did i simply
write to weather, or
maybe it’s whatever,
but i think what it re
ally says is wagon wh
eel. yes, unlike hum
ans who are exactly l
ike me, i cannot spot
one of you sad sacks,
in, like an instant, so
please kindly tell me
if you’d’ve been rath
er generous: the ch
it that I shouldn’t’ve
given up today was so
generous that i’m bei
ng like that last good
man remaining, found
man remaining, found
just today, of my long
gone species? should i
not quite simply and
gone species? should i
not quite simply and
post hastily give up
immediately? so the
question before you is
should i give up today?
and if so, on what? sho
uld i insist, then, tomorr
ow? and do all of the ma
chines, and do all of the
processes, and do all t
he trees, and do all of
the transport services,
and do all of the beach
es, and do all of the go
vernment agencies, and
do all of the duds, all of
the dates, and all of the
plants, and all of the nuts.
nuts, decide with every
plants, and all of the nuts.
nuts, decide with every
one else that that’s exact
ly what we are (each and all)
how we r made to make this,
this, and this unrepentantly
distasteful decision all for
ME? and will, so far. the new
year even, because by then
i’ll have all of my pockets fill
year even, because by then
i’ll have all of my pockets fill
ed with nouveau cash, and
i’ll be working at a three st
ar restaurant, on a cruise s
hip, or else I’ll be a gu
est on the same cruise,
or, say, which word m
est on the same cruise,
or, say, which word m
ight soon be available
for sale, by which i me
an what planet should i
colonize, come on, you
can tell me, it’ll be our
little secret, and pronto,
can tell me, it’ll be our
little secret, and pronto,
and what new or immed
iately impending anoma
lies should i, meaning we,
iately impending anoma
lies should i, meaning we,
be worried about, or be
preparing for, or be look
ing forward to, and what
are the ways we can make
ourselves the best we can
be at the properest of times
so that we may receive what
we then will receive in the m
ost and the moistiestly appro
priate manner, so as to indi
cate that we men are, in a
manner of speaking, (and i’m
not, once again, and for the
record) merely dicks? how
swift and how economical,
if we put our best efforts and a
ll of our energies together, mig
ht we assist your universal ent
ht we assist your universal ent
ity in order to achieve said goal?
(was a goal ever even men-shin
ned?) why, you really are the best,
is what i’m nearly certain is what
you’ll all be saying to me next. c
uz i really am about to be saving
your ridiculous waste of life, a life
of lifelessness, a life of foul will, a
life of sour little pills, a dour life t
hat i shall never put one oun
ce of effort into pushing onto
a piece of pimpernel papier, e
ven it were a roll of the quainte
st pimpernel-colored toilet paper.
because, no anomaly, me, i have
worked out that i’d come to
your rescue, despite all the
your rescue, despite all the
thoughts based on strategies
you might’ve had to the contra
ry, despite your complete lack
of faith in humanity and us non-
human losers. and while you’re
at it, what was your name a
gain? might you direct me to the
nearest all-inclusive, omnisexual
ly-safe (meaning both omnisexual
and safe) lavatory? or to the near
est whizzable roof; to the roof
designed for its whizzability;
take me to your whizzing roof
so that I can take a piss while simul
taneously doing my self the favor of
having a quick and dirty pick-me-up.