drag is wide, drag
is expansive, you
can tell as it comes
at you from quite a
distance, drag is
grand as it makes
an entrance. drag
is fabulous, like
being 64, or like
living in 1964. it
can elevate you,
making you feel
‘better than,’ and
it can really—and
i do mean really—
put you in your
place; it’s at times
humbling, hilarious,
hard to get, hammy,
hardcore, oh, it can
be hardcore. drag
can be entirely sex
less or it can be very
sexed up. it’s almost
always sexy. isn’t it?
drag can be drunk off
its ass, it can be jacked
up out of control, it can
be very messy. it can al
so be pageant-perfect (I
suppose there’s someth
ing for everyone). I re
member drag pageants.
they were incredibly in
tense. halloween is no
thing if not a big drag.
this is because a cost
ume is drag. pretend
ing to be someone you
aren’t or being the pers
on you really are is drag.
from my little bit of inv
estigation, there is a LOT
of makeup that goes into
drag. sookie simone, a
real little rock drag star,
had actual boobs. and
would often, at least at
some point during her
performance (usually
near the end), show
them gladly to the
often overcrowded
audience. i’ve ne
ver been in the
green room be
fore or after a
drag show, but
i have heard tell
of some pretty rauc
ous things happening
back there. mostly drugs,
per my sources. many drag
sters love to do the splits at a
really critical moment in their
performance. drag is sometimes
sung with drag voice, perhaps music
written by the performer, but seems
most often to be a performance of a
song that is often one which the aud
them gladly to the
often overcrowded
audience. i’ve ne
ver been in the
green room be
fore or after a
drag show, but
i have heard tell
of some pretty rauc
ous things happening
back there. mostly drugs,
per my sources. many drag
sters love to do the splits at a
really critical moment in their
performance. drag is sometimes
sung with drag voice, perhaps music
written by the performer, but seems
most often to be a performance of a
song that is often one which the aud
ience would probably be famliar. i would
not recommend singing along to a drag
performance, unless you are specifically
asked to do so. i’ve know a few drag coup
les. sometimes they would go out in drag
together. other times they would not
go out in drag. it depended. i’ve dated
two people who performed drag on occ
asion. one was a guy named rene, and
this was in the late 1980s when for wh
atever reason i was quite frightened of
drag and everything surrounding the
subject. obviously i was intrigued.
the other was many years later, and
he made a point of never allowing
me to see his drag persona perform,
but her drag name was lucy and she
had a definite air of mystery and
interest around her. i think that i
could go on for quite some time
telling you what to my mind is
drag, and various anecdotes i have
picked up about drag over the years.
i did drag once. it was halloween
(appropriately enough), and i guess
you might say that i was judy jetson.
i’m not going to lie to you, i was the
life of that party. it was an absolute
blast. was that the only time i did drag?
go out in drag. it depended. i’ve dated
two people who performed drag on occ
asion. one was a guy named rene, and
this was in the late 1980s when for wh
atever reason i was quite frightened of
drag and everything surrounding the
subject. obviously i was intrigued.
the other was many years later, and
he made a point of never allowing
me to see his drag persona perform,
but her drag name was lucy and she
had a definite air of mystery and
interest around her. i think that i
could go on for quite some time
telling you what to my mind is
drag, and various anecdotes i have
picked up about drag over the years.
i did drag once. it was halloween
(appropriately enough), and i guess
you might say that i was judy jetson.
i’m not going to lie to you, i was the
life of that party. it was an absolute
blast. was that the only time i did drag?