Monday, November 29, 2021


Dusting Off The Ol Mustachios Again, I See!

At (during, pending, poking, prodding) the verity of
Riding the surfless, unwet waves with the unemployed from 
Back at the start of the pandemic to beyond the foreseeable future,
I have survived via checks that have been
Thusly labeled “unemployment” and/or “pandemicable,” etc., and so now, having
Reasonably (?) survived some nearly two years of same, I’ve decided to hone up on
Arbitrary-speak and give a polish to the old pity papers. I trust you know precisely what I mean,
Right? It goes something like “Riddledy?” “Ah, piddledee-dee!” and so on from
Ye to thee and then sometimes, somehow all the way back to the as yet unjobbable me.

You can't teach real acting!