Tuesday, November 30, 2021


An Acrostic Poem for Ms. Cleta Hoffman, My 4th Grade Teacher

As it turns out, I am a
Cross, and to be more thorough, I’m Del
Ray Cross
Of the
Small town of Charleston, Arkansas, which is
Into my state’s namesake River Valley around about the Ozark Foothills. It was in
Charleston that Cleta Hoffman, my 4th Grade Teacher, submitted a poem I wrote while taking her
Serendipitous class—it was a goofy sonnet entitled “Math”—into a statewide competition,

That like most all of the other poems “submitted,” no doubt WON, by
Henceforth being published with all of the other winners into
Not very tiny tome, but rather, in a compendium, a
King-sized magazine: a magazine of poetry! 
So, to

Ms. Hoffman, educator of dreamers, lover of poetry and teacher of 
Screwy 4th graders, my
Heart and gratitude goes out to you wherever you may be:

Thank you for pouring a little bit of poetry into my soul.  
It was always and never enough.

The Crosses show off the time.