Sunday, January 23, 2022


fry daddy

“it doesn’t make you
hip to spend most of
your time in these
antiquated venues,
but that is most

absurdly and
what you do, day
in and day out.”
gordon’s head,

slumped as
far as physically
possible, rests,
and squarely,
chin upon breast

as he wanders
the city aimlessly
mulling what pete,
his so-called hubby,
had informed him just

a few short hours ago
while tumbling out
of the shower. after
that depressing
decree, pete took

a few dizzying spins
through the condo
(which he’d always
called our little
love nest

before making a
quick stop at their
bed (where gordon
sat in a lumpy heap)
adding, “on the brighter

side, gord, you’ve an
outstanding physique.”
and then he was off,
loping out the door,
never to be seen again.