Sunday, January 16, 2022


three sermons and one fat tick

when i was a rock star
no one ever asked for
my autograph . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

of my grandparents,
the immediate ones, three
despised their given first names

and went instead (and were
known personally) by their middles;
the fourth had no given middle name

(driver’s licenses and such showcase
a middle initial, “B,” but i have been
assured that this was whimsically con

cocted by said grandparent –
apparently at quite a
precocious age).

i am truly blessed with the
luxury of knowing each of these
forbearers personally; i spent

countless weeks in the presence
of each. they have, in me,
become my most palpable,

most significant, concept of
home – especially in my
most recent or later years.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

oh, now, please, no, it was
not at all that pitiful. i was
still, after all, a rock star.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i will always treasure them with
all that is in me, my grandparents,
hazel, mable, thurlow and garl.