Wednesday, March 09, 2022


the responsibly ashamed day

today – in fact, this
morning – i asked the
day, “aren’t you ashamed
of yourself?” and the day

had to come clean and ad
mit that, already, at nine
o’clock in the morning,
which it was, our day, to

day, was very ashamed
of itself for being such an
ass of a day. i’m not saying
that the day went so far as to

apologize or anything, but i can
assuredly attest to you here
and now, at eleven o’clock
on this despicable morning,

that the day in which we are
presently residing – and taking
into consideration honesty being
what it is in this day and age

(get it? anyway...)
 – that this day,
today, our day, seems sincerely ash
amed of its heinous existence. and, as
i see it, that’s exactly as it should be, too.

tongue to the day