Thursday, April 07, 2022


Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out

guess how many jokes there are
at the end of my joke-stick. aw,

come on, what’s the harm? in
guessing? i guess the potential

is there. pretty much always.
for harm. when guessing. in

a hunch. when you have
a feeling. when you’ve got

a really good feeling. there
can be a wide range of feel

ings, i suppose. i guess.
(where i come from a guess

is the same as a supposition
– if a supposition is something

one supposes, that is [and so
i look it up and sure enough

a supposition is, indeed,
“an uncertain belief” or,

perhaps a bit less blunt,
and yet pretty much where

i, myself, was but a mere
moment ago – where you

were, too – although i’m
guessing, i suppose; but

it’s an educated guess.
and not entirely by coin

cidence, or don’t you
think? . . . : “something

that is supposed”), in
fact, if i may say so,

and i suppose i may,
by which i mean i guess

that i will. say so. in
fact, i say, pretty much

anything might somehow
manage to bring about a

certain amount of harm.
life, experiencing it,

doing stuff, taking any
risk at all, whether it’s,

say, way out on a limb,
or whether it is instead

taking a breath, any
little thing you do

might somehow be
the catalyst for a

certain disaster.
which is the same

as saying

certain, really.
and this is true.

mark my words.
don’t you forget it.

and someday you’ll
think back to this

moment and think
“he told me this

might happen.” and
it did. or didn’t it?

Sometimes Things Don't Work Out