Thursday, May 26, 2022


no. 12 – A Thank You Note
              to Difficult Times

In general, I’ve seen a lifetime
of, by all appearances, as far
as I can surmise, a long set of
progression in which there is
three steps forward, followed
inevitably by about two steps
back. This is not a mathematic
al absolute, more in a bit on 
how this is definitely not one 
one of those times now, but it
has been something I have
lived long enough to come to
appreciate, particularly during
the times in which the whole
world seems to be stepping
backwards. I guess if this is
actually a note of appreciation,
it is sent not to faith, based
upon the logic of my own per
sonal history. I could give co
untless examples. Or point to
gay strides, which, in my life
time, has been more of a spr
int (in general, and, once ag
ain, there will be more about
how this unfortunately has
changed in my most modern
existence), with little to no
backwards movement at all.
Sure, there was the Prop 8
punch in the gut, and was it
ever (a punch in the gut).
That was steps backwards,
but it did not last long,
and it never went any
further back than we al
ready were only relative
moments ago. But the
punch in the gut was
simultaneous with the
election of our first pres
ident of color, a stupen
dous step forward. These
things have always tended
to even out. In my lifetime.
So, for the purposes of this
letter of appreciation, the a
formentioned “difficult times”
would be those timeframes
during which the steps back
ward were being taken with
the quick bounce of steps for
ward. One could argue that 
backwards and forwards are 
matters of opinion of course. 
And I confess that I have 
no idea what you, the indi
vidual to whom I
’m add
ressing this note, feel is
moving backwards versus
moving forwards. So let
met clarify this. If you
are of a general opinion
that the last few years
haven’t simply been the
difficult times when the
two steps backwards are
transpiring and we’re just
waiting around, biting our
nails, all antsy with angst
and anxiety awaiting the
pivot back to forward,
back toward progress,
knowing full well that
it will inevitably come
. . .? Well, let me be
fervently clear when I
say that what we are
in the middle of now is
definitely NOT one of
those traditional dif
ficult times. I appre
ciate the determina
tion and the solidif
ication of values
that those bygone
difficult times gave
me. But this, this,
my friend, and I do
hope you are my
friend and can re
late to what I have
to say here, this is
not a difficult time
for which I’m grate
ful. This is way too
many steps back, I
fear. I miss and do
very much apprec
iate the difficult
times of yesteryear.
I hope you do, too.
Enough to make a
quorum, and give
me faith that we’ll
make our way back
to a big leap in pro
gress, followed by 
a bit of a backlash,
perhaps, but always
followed soon enough,
by another big leap

maga laga ding dong