I’m Gonna Take Control
hey, everybody over here.
hey, everybody over there.
hey, everybody. lost ya!
so there i was not looking
for a party. i said here i
am not even looking to
party. out of milk and
can’t even find my razor.
so don’t even look at me.
and then i stepped out
side. beyoncè telling me
not to break my soul. big
freedia. two blocks away
and what’s that going on?
it’s market street. we just
got slammed. didn’t we
just get slammed. did
the world not just get
steamrolled? so what’s
that going on a block up?
what’s that going down?
everybody’s happy. no
body’s getting shot. no
body’s even protesting.
i guess there’s a time
for crying. i suppose
a time for protesting.
i’m done crying. i’m
swelling up with pride.
ready to fill the streets
with my lungs of what
the fuck tomorrow and
the next day and the next.
today only: i had all but
forgotten. today only: we
get a little bit of respite.
here, today, a parade. we
get a little bit of bounce.
happy today only. let’s do it.