Saturday, June 11, 2022


Making a Living

is a farcical exertion.
it’s the less serious
side of me, or the
most seriousest.
it’s that thing that
gives to charity in
rounds like a robin
or row, row, row
your boat. it pays
cash for something
like a coffin that the
attempt is to live in
side of it while doing
the stuff that’s most
important. like living,
always too hot, fans
(the only two i have)
blow me from one
day to the next. i
might enjoy such
hot air, say, on a
friday. maybe i
would enjoy it all
the way through
saturday. on
sunday, i might
try to forget (the
air, the coffin, the
seriouser and the
seriousest, the
rowing, the
roiling heat,
even), but
by the end
of that day
i try to sleep
(don’t sleep)
for the farce
is with me
all the next
day and the
next and so on.
unless the farce
is over. if it’s over i
know it’s time to get
the most serious ever.
because when one
farcical exertion
ends it means
it’s time to
find the
next farce.

one farcical exertion leads to another