Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Cankers Away

Ever since I was a kid of
wee about way down here,
I’ve gotten these horribly
annoying sores in my mouth.
And right about the time I re
member beginning to get
these pesky annoyances
is when I learned, from
anyone I asked about
these sores in my
mouth (and from
some who’d other
wise volunteer),
be they uncle or
professional or
classmate or
that these
sores are
caused by
none other
than stress.
These spitefully
painful sores, known
officially as aphthous
ulcers (small shallow
lesions that show up
but just inside of the
lip, on the tongue or
the gums or just any
where upon the soft
tissues existing with
in the cavity of the
), most often
go away within a
week or two, but
I’m here to tell you
that if you’d like to
get rid of one lickety-
split, then here is how
to do it: just measure
a teaspoon of baking
soda and pour that in
to half a teacup full of
lukewarm water, and
then you just swish
and you gargle this
not-so-tasty admix
ture around in your
mouth several times
in a day, and before
you know it, in twenty-
four hours, or less, if
you’re lucky (a bit more
if you’re not) and that
mean little sore will
have vanished. Yep,
no more canker sore
after that, voilĂ , un
til, of course, a short
time after you’ve had
yet another quite
stressful day or

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