that I’m having right now
and have decided to just
go with it. oh you were
perhaps expecting me to
describe the funny head
feeling to you? sorry.
sometimes i just go a
bout this thinking and
feeling and jabbering
on like there’s nobody
here but me. i mean,
there is no one here
except me. but i forget
the reason i do this verb
alizing. surely there are
reasons, aren’t there?
there are plenty for sure.
and if i confess that num
ber one among those is
to be heard. to talk (one
might put that as a sep
arate reason altogether, as
well, but in this case, i’m talk
ing the usual: engagement.
which is what i mean by
the nonsense of spout
ing out these innumerable
missives. which are
means to talk, to hang
out, to engage. yeah.
i mean in general, that’s ex
actly what i am attempting
to do. to have a conversation.
it’s just that tonight, lately,
sometimes i forget that part.
or i just leave that part out of
my thinking? maybe i’m just
learning how to engage with
myself. but what i mean is
(and sure, pity, but let’s
have none of that now, ok?)
i’m speaking in earnest.
and that used to mean,
speaking used to be, in
general, unless, say, the
act was carried out so as
to memorize or remember
things, like for an exam or
lines in a dramatic perform
ance, for example, a thing
which i’d put forth a some
times extravagant effort
(socially awkward yet
extroverted, in case you
didn’t by chance recall)
in order to engage. a
means to engage. to
learn. to get to know. to
flirt (do please know that
flirting was yet, still, just
the act of the saying, or
doing, something in order
to engage, so scratch that,
as it would yet be the means
to the end. of engagement,
as it were...)... so i am spread
ing out for you some whys
of engagement: to learn,
to get to know, to quell
curiosity, in hopes, of
a social or romantic
development, say,
or of enlightenment,
a means to improve,
to evolve, which i
sometimes think
is possible. but
then, so, there i
was, deciding to
go with this funny
feeling in my head.
and here i am still
going on about it,
even after admitting
to you (to whom?)
that, while it’d be
lovely to get some
sort of response,
or counter, a little
witty repartee
(like back in the
day), i had forgot
ten to whom i was
even addressing
my complaint?
the funny feeling
in my head. which
is a combination of
feelings, like a head
ache, for one, and
a tough memory
for another, along
with a feeling that
is distinctly a stress
ful one. oh, and
there’s also the
feeling of, well,
what an old coll
ege chemistry
professor of
mine use to
say when he
completely for
got his train of
thought as he
was speaking/
teaching – in
which he’d stare
at the class blankly
for an awkwardly ex
tended amount of time
and then, without even
a seeming tinge of re
gret he’d say “two trains
just collided in my head.”
then he’d go back to his
desk and sit down and
refer back to his notes
or to a textbook or the
chalkboard and carry
on. it’s basically a
combination of
those things that
are making up this
funny feeling in my
head, at least as best
as i can currently de
scribe it. but, again,
to whom am i des
cribing? and why?
it’s at times like these
that i half expect to hear
an answer or a response,
some dialog, something to
which i can then volley,
and the words would be
tossed about well into
the night. except
then i’d have a bit
more than just a
funny feeling in
my head. don’t
you expect? but
anyway, it would
appear that i owe
a bit of gratitude
to you, whomever
you are, real or un
real, here or not
here, listening/
reading or not
but from the
inside of this
head, which
has lost that
funny feeling.
all cured. for
the moment
anyway. i
think? boy,
how can i
be sure,
is the best
music makes
the people
come together.
an apple a day
keeps the doctor
away. okay. my
head. always up
in the sky. dear
feet, please do
your best to find
the floor.
was i?
ing out these innumerable
missives. which are
means to talk, to hang
out, to engage. yeah.
i mean in general, that’s ex
actly what i am attempting
to do. to have a conversation.
it’s just that tonight, lately,
sometimes i forget that part.
or i just leave that part out of
my thinking? maybe i’m just
learning how to engage with
myself. but what i mean is
(and sure, pity, but let’s
have none of that now, ok?)
i’m speaking in earnest.
and that used to mean,
speaking used to be, in
general, unless, say, the
act was carried out so as
to memorize or remember
things, like for an exam or
lines in a dramatic perform
ance, for example, a thing
which i’d put forth a some
times extravagant effort
(socially awkward yet
extroverted, in case you
didn’t by chance recall)
in order to engage. a
means to engage. to
learn. to get to know. to
flirt (do please know that
flirting was yet, still, just
the act of the saying, or
doing, something in order
to engage, so scratch that,
as it would yet be the means
to the end. of engagement,
as it were...)... so i am spread
ing out for you some whys
of engagement: to learn,
to get to know, to quell
curiosity, in hopes, of
a social or romantic
development, say,
or of enlightenment,
a means to improve,
to evolve, which i
sometimes think
is possible. but
then, so, there i
was, deciding to
go with this funny
feeling in my head.
and here i am still
going on about it,
even after admitting
to you (to whom?)
that, while it’d be
lovely to get some
sort of response,
or counter, a little
witty repartee
(like back in the
day), i had forgot
ten to whom i was
even addressing
my complaint?
the funny feeling
in my head. which
is a combination of
feelings, like a head
ache, for one, and
a tough memory
for another, along
with a feeling that
is distinctly a stress
ful one. oh, and
there’s also the
feeling of, well,
what an old coll
ege chemistry
professor of
mine use to
say when he
completely for
got his train of
thought as he
was speaking/
teaching – in
which he’d stare
at the class blankly
for an awkwardly ex
tended amount of time
and then, without even
a seeming tinge of re
gret he’d say “two trains
just collided in my head.”
then he’d go back to his
desk and sit down and
refer back to his notes
or to a textbook or the
chalkboard and carry
on. it’s basically a
combination of
those things that
are making up this
funny feeling in my
head, at least as best
as i can currently de
scribe it. but, again,
to whom am i des
cribing? and why?
it’s at times like these
that i half expect to hear
an answer or a response,
some dialog, something to
which i can then volley,
and the words would be
tossed about well into
the night. except
then i’d have a bit
more than just a
funny feeling in
my head. don’t
you expect? but
anyway, it would
appear that i owe
a bit of gratitude
to you, whomever
you are, real or un
real, here or not
here, listening/
reading or not
but from the
inside of this
head, which
has lost that
funny feeling.
all cured. for
the moment
anyway. i
think? boy,
how can i
be sure,
is the best
music makes
the people
come together.
an apple a day
keeps the doctor
away. okay. my
head. always up
in the sky. dear
feet, please do
your best to find
the floor.
was i?