palpatine the paramedic
“what’s so funny about
humiliation?” asks the
bully pulpit, but only
with high hopes of
becoming an out
comes agency
par excellence.
high on what?
if only gurney
disuse was the
only answer. we
didn’t have a class
on etiquette at the
ambulance university
becomes an excuse for
turning manners bedpan.
when at one’s throes, a
tremendously humbling
duration should one ever
encounter, one mightn’t
expect the hesitant can’t-
glimpse-the-nausea trauma
of puke-texting 9-1-1 to’ve
been the local’s jokey way to
dial-a-comedian (farcical as it
may be, lowest common demon
as, upon arrival, our humilicon
welcomes mid-throe-down. come
on, gut-punch, i calls the doctor as i
seizure doctor! even bad jujube would
have the decent claws to slay, “get thee
to a doctor not a duncery; and save the
mouth for none but tlc, and stet!” but
yet, and am i the one to have to quell
the siren’s malicious odor. well, hell,
always one for happy endings, me
and my ego are recuperated all
but wholly not thanks to the
dick what drove me sickly