Sunday, August 14, 2022


The Proclamation

What a pickle, this
blur of words swirling
around his hair stacked
so asymmetrically upon
his odd-shaped head. 
A flock of fine and 
noble words, they
were, too, and he
without a voice. He 
tried to cough, as
an alternative, or to
blow out a word or 
two,but even that
was not possible,
it produced nothing
audible, nothing with
the last vibration, and
now he wanted nothing
more but to whimper,
but as the tears rolled
silently down the odd-
angled cheeks of his
strangely shaped head
he got so frustrated
that he just about
burst, soundless as
it all was.  He could
not even whisper, the 
poor dear young fool.
He’d try, oh yes,
he’d try, but yet,
the best descrip
tion an observer
might give each
attempt, well,
the man was
breathing so
of course his
attempts to
speak at
looked like
nothing save
mere exhalations.
His lips moved
this way just a
bit and then the
other way, but
those were some
thin lips, hardly
registering notice.
Oh, if he could but
proclaim, he thought,
why, he’d proclaim
these voiceless ex
halations a cool,
swift breeze. A
wisp of a fellow,
our dear voiceless
chap was, such that
even a soft breeze
might blow him
clean away to
the next county
and beyond. He
was voiceless, but
he wasn’t stupid, and
this fair fact he knew,
and hence his wish,
his impossible decree;
it wasn’t just his
proclamation, but 
the very reason for 
it. All thought for
naught, of course,
for our dear man
had stood here 
from the top of
the day, trying
like mad to 
find the only
thing within
of which he
felt was of
any matter:
his voice.

big head with a voiceless mouth