Tuesday, September 20, 2022


The Ignorance That Isn’t Bliss
(so as not to float too high above the ground)

would that i could articulate how dif
ficult it’s been, this endless cycle of
trying to climb out of this mess of losing
everything, the cruelty of people to

whom you were once devoted and whom
you believed and with such effort came to call
your people because the people who released you
into this world misunderstood or even worse believed

you less or took the blame for your supposed lessness,
called you twisted and hell-bent or -bound, even as you
grew prouder and better and worked harder to be the
best. the more you believe in humanity and friendships

and agape or romantic love, the more you get proven wrong,
so why, in times like this, do you persist? you say, just because.

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