Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Houdini’s Ghost

these thoughts that are but
mine are like a signature, i

now surmise, or a finger
print. or maybe they are,

wholly, if they could be
gathered, put together,

at least mathematically,
theoretically, if not (can

i even say?) physically,
moreso than what is

muscular, skeletal
or corpuscular,

the stuff that is me.
so here i am, not

what you can literally
see, not the brilliantly

designed yet flawed
and puncturable organic

conglomeration that any
one might automatically,

with me, of me, associate.
but this assemblage of

thoughts, this relatively
miniscule pile of notions

and desires, this hodge
podge of fears that

have accrued in ways
pavlovian or else in ways

meandering and illogical,
this swirling admixture

which also includes the
residue of dreams and

whatever else might fit
within the limitations of

memory, are these not
more of who or what i

am than any clump or
chunk that might be

jabbed or grabbed
at, punctured or

bruised? just this
evolving jumbled set

of thoughts that are
more apparitional

than physical or
visual, and so

less quantifiable
or at least

impossible to
gather—this is

who i am, is
what i, immortally,

may yet
continue for

at least some
dissipating length

of time
to be.

Houdini's Ghost