Sunday, December 18, 2022



     Dear Memory Warrior,

                   —Vanessa Huang

written at the end of a longwinded
idea for a great party game which
had something to do with the i re
member poems of joe brainard:
‘take notes. write a poetic/or other
wise response.’ yes, i’m looking
over a motley assortment of notes
again. from weeks, months and
years past. an exercise that might
just as easily hurt a fragile memory
such as the one laid bare within the
husk that holds mine, an exterior
that’s beginning to awkwardly
digress downward from an
apex that was its purported
middle ages. this digression,
like my meanderings, say,
during a job interview via
zoom, putts and sputters
as it picks up speed as
things do (like snow
balls) rolling down
hills after such an
exhausting and
eternal near-
infernal in
cline. so,
for now,
i’ll catch
a breath or
two, rather
than embrace,
say, a no-longer-
quite-so-early death.
i’m game if you are.

apex reflex