Sunday, January 29, 2023


Should We Call This an Emergency?

Stand up straight! Hands to your sides!
‘All we need now is a ten hut,’ thought

Sebastian. He was graceful, and the
eyes of several in the unit were on his

unit. Those eyes included the eyes of
Carson, whose hands would normally

be in his pockets. ‘Alright, you sweet
potatoes!’ shouted the sergeant, who

was glowing with charge, ‘let me see
those digits.’ All present presented

all they had. Except Skeezer. But he
was half blown, had been for months,

and nobody questioned it, nor seemed
to even care. ‘Take it easy on the

manicures there Fitzhauser.’ This was
a game that would go on all morning.

When Carson’s section was dismissed,
he slowly put his hands deep into his

pockets and stood for a minute in the
spot he’d been for what seemed like

hours by now. Then he swiveled as
slow a swivel as his tronic boots

allowed, until he was 180, then
with the slightly fizzly and upper

registered ‘whoosh!’ Sebastian
watched his backside as his body

rose a bit above the dust, and he
didn’t unlock his focus until Carson

had disappeared in the distance,
which was quite a while, as Carson

kept his skids on a speed about that
of an old school, backwoods airport’s

long flat escalator. The one you’d see
your mother arrive on, twice a year,

never bothering to lift a foot to make
any extra speed either coming or going.

Or where you might meet your lover of
seventeen years just at the crook between

Christmas and New Year’s once every two
or three of the same seventeen. Sebastian

lifted a digit or two in salute to Carson and,
in doing so, felt the rush warm up through

his legs and hips and up into his head, which
once reached, his eyeballs did a little jittery

but relaxing little flutter. This flutter would
log the vision of Carson’s disappearing back

side, archiving it for later, just as it had every
morning for nearly two and a half years. ‘Tuck

your pants in, rookie!’ came the Sergeant,
glaring Sebastian down, or perhaps the more

appropriate way to describe the look was that
he was screwing holes right through him.

Sebastian just winked at him and curled up
his hands into little fists like a kid ready to eat.

Sebastian's digits