Tuesday, January 31, 2023



I’ve had a few chips on
my shoulders over the
years, but I have never
really had any stifling

issues with authority (pol
itics aside). Perhaps this is
in no small part due to a
few aspects of my childhood:

e.g., having a stern (dominat
ing) cop for a father, a Baptist
upbringing in the rural South,
was too often accused of being

teacher’s pet, I’m a Gemini, etc.)?
But I do seem to have a few prob
lems following the rules or adher
ing to basic social structures.

Often one to buck the system
or look at common things in
such ways that those around
me never quite seem to get.

But who knows, really? What’s
more interesting to me are
these conflicting ways of
existing – authority: fine;

rules: not so fine. Who’s to say
why I am the way that I am?
It could have gone either way,
I suppose. Not all such discrep

ancies can just be glossed over
and excused by the fact that,
say, I’m a Gemini, surely? But
wouldn’t it be nice if they could?

gemini aloof