Tuesday, January 17, 2023


A Day and a Thumbtack

That was the day that I had. And
entitlement, if I am being real
here. But isn’t entitlement
sometimes just craving a tiny

break from being beaten down
(says the white guy)? I’m generally
the odd one who’s rooting for the
underdog. Is it so wrong to admit

that I’m tired of this underdog
decade? It may sound a bit too
Gemini—does that always have to
mean hypocritical—to say in one

breath that I miss the pre-diminu
tive canine era and with another get
passionate and empathetic about in
equality and the lack of world peace? I

was a poor kid. For the longest time, the
closest I got to a school of hard knocks
was getting through graduate school. And
yet I got through it. With a bit of encourage

ment here and there, but otherwise on
my own. And I’ve known success, lived
wonderful years that were replete with
the blessings of love and friendship

and frolicking and no small bit of the
heartache that goes with it all. So if
I say, as I peek my eyes just slightly
over the fog that’s yet to lift in this

decade of dog days, “Hooray!” it could
be I finally ditched those assholes at 
T-Mobile. And got an upgrade to an i
Phone 14 Max, to boot! Oh, and may

be mention that I followed that with
a burger, fries and a milkshake after
wards.  Does that make me entitled?
Probably. Sure. But what are we to

do when we lose the celebration
of life? Is it really any conundrum,
the answer to that question? Be
nice. Do good. Give it away on

occasion, if you have it give. But
celebrate all the life you have anytime
you can. How else can we loosen the grip
of unfairness and inequality? Be aware.

Find your happy. Spread some love. And
maybe save getting pissed off until tomorrow.

mom and me, finding happy in napa valley circa 2012