Wednesday, March 29, 2023



Write about how
Mumbles Mumblebee
always mumbled.

Go for a long pain-
addled walk. Writhe
in bed for hours.

Pick one. Accentuate
the positive. Don’t
do the opposite,

that’d be dumb.
Also, don’t sit around
thinking of the many

ways in which you
are a loser. If you go
that route, before you

get to carried away,
call me, contact me,
I’m easy to get in

touch with, and I’ve
a long list of losers
you can alternatively

contemplate. If you’re
thinking about doing
something fun, do it.

If it seems impossible
to do at that very
moment, make a

plan. Set goals.
Reach them. Make
a lot of plans to do

fun things. Remember
that television show
you wanted to watch?

That movie you were
dying to see? These
days there’s no excuse,

unless you happen to
be as poor as I am.
If you’re as poor as I

am, make a list of
things you can do
when you’re not

poor anymore. But
don’t stop there!
Then you go out and

you get yourself some
money. This may sound
easy. It’s not. But I

believe you can do it.
I believe in you.
Don’t you? Believe!
