Thursday, March 30, 2023



What to do with backlog of

no-good blather. I used to

sleep with you and yet

attractive artists everywhere

are making future plans and

wanting to leave things more

open. I’ve done open. I like

being open to new ideas. I am

a bit more suspect with open

with regard to permanent

relationships, just between

you and me. And it’s not

that any or all of my relations

of such are permanent, but if

I begin to, as I like to say, in

vest my time with someone,

the notion is I’m working out

a possible permanence. So.

Marauding blood pressure,

tentative title. Only now add

diabetes, two bouts with Covid

(we can still discuss this, right?),

testicular cancer (this one should

come with a caveat, no?), work-

related massage at the Ethiopian

restaurant, tentative title. Oh,

and repeat after me: Tuesday,

get a better job! Go ahead.

Ready? Tuesday, get a job!

Get a job! Just get a job!

P.S. Keep November free.

Tentative title.
