Sunday, May 14, 2023


colours (xxiv)

orange you glad is, respectfully, as i
recall, an advertisement,
a marketing campaign for florida orange juice, i think?
not a color.
go figure. although, i’ve always found orange to be an
exceptional hue. and speaking of exceptional,

you light up my morning by becoming awake.
of course, only you can do this. and, by the way, please
understand that i’m being unnecessarily snarky. i

got this box of so-called ‘paint chips’ that i’m
loving—i guess it’s a game?—but i’m using the ‘chip’ ‘colors’ that
appear on each card in the box to structure these acronymic love
ditties. and while some have been a bit off-color, the project has been del-

orange you glad it's a mimosa?