Wednesday, August 16, 2023


erasure by diversion

i got a dog day with
no cos-play. i try to
pilfer my way through

it without thinking.
“about anything?”
you might ask.

i mull this over as
the roses on the
tundra survive and

then melt. the tundra
in my closet is not cold.
it is not hot. as weather

goes. waking up to another
dog in search of a book. wait.
i woke up. to another dog. then

i searched for a book about rain
storms and blossoms. like
childhood’s hydrangeas, we

could not guess the bloom’s
colors until they were out
there. something about

the roots. i hear that in
hawaii there are...
nevermind. i work

my way across the family
tree, looking for instinct.
when i find one i punch

it, as if with a thumbtack.
i don’t have any thumbtacks.
i do have fists but i never use

them. they were used a few
times. or at least i think i can
remember. i can swallow

as well, but i do not
have even one single
ounce of pride. i heard

a bird singing a strange
song this morning before
i went back to sleep.

dad + dog