Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Severing Severity
(Disinterest Delays Death)

If you take yourself
too seriously you’re
a narcissist. But if

you’re not incredibly
passionate about that
thing or those things

most important you’re
a what? A lollygagger
to put it nicely. If you

sink into an utterly sol
itary world doing that
most important thing.

Or being with it. Or
learning it by rote.
Or understanding it.

Well, then you’re a
hermit. If you’re a
hermit then you’ve

no clear idea whether
or not you’re an expert
at doing that thing or

being with that thing
that’s most important,
or you’re just a joke at it.

Raise your hand if none
of this matters to you.
Those of you with your

hands raised are no
better or worse. But
which of these ways

of being would either
of us call a lousy way
to exist; a cursed path?

Sometimes I think I
should have just been
a stand-up comedian.

taking myself seriously