Monday, October 30, 2023



I’m supposed to be doing.
I should be. The plan was.
Turn on the news. The
weather. Pick outfit. Walk
dog. Take out trash. Empty
the litter box. Water plants.
Make reservation. Get a job.
Here’s what needs to happen.
To do list. To do list says. I’ve
got to go do. Urgently. ASAP.
This should be done immediately.
Remember to. Priority items.
All caps. ALL CAPS. The laundry.
The dishes. The floor. The bills.
Put a stamp on it. Errands. Call
Mom. I need to call. Grocery
list. Social life. The reading on
Sunday night. Scratch it off.
Combine the three lists into
one. Put in calendar. Check
calendar. Respond to. Fix
it. Do it. Put a pin in it.
Research. Look up how
to spell. Definition of.
Finish. Read the rest.
Print the article. Order
in. Focus. Focus on.
Edit. Send. Apologize.
Deadline. Call him at
two this afternoon.
Recurring items.
Don’t forget to.
Brainstorm. Be
social. Socialize.
Request further
Details. Info.
Birthday card.
Get creative.
Check blood
sugar. Make
Apply. Send
thank you.
Retract. Check
Blood pressure.
Write a check.
Take meds. Call
the doctor. Follow
up. Wind it down.
Clear the hurdle.
Obliterate that
obstacle. Get
a life.

further activities for the future