Tuesday, November 28, 2023


More Snippets from Handwritten Notes

contact Toss Now [sic?]. THIS HAS TO
BE MONDAY. show Mona Lisa my a
mount funded. ask her what she said
as she was walking out my door. notice

on door. notice in mail. $1 on the 27th.
history of Charleston [indecipherable].
$103.04. caresses/follicles upon/the
crook of my elbow. short spare tufts/

billow across/my loose knuckles. patient
as a [?]. persistent sex. suck feather
[sic?]. you will then go off insurance. you
have to buy ticket home. why does the night

mare landscape feel so comfortable. such a
high value risk, fraught with [?]. this kiss costs.

moon & sun text