Thursday, November 30, 2023


Handwritten Hodgepodge
(more snippets from various
often illegible scribbles)

queries for yvonne. bbq for folks.
send email to the entire psychiatry
dept. mottott (?) training. also ask
margo pamer (palmer?). arnie, molly,

angela, sheila. doodle poll. friday,
d. maran & eve 25 – 9 to 10am.
word to the fishcan. i’m a bitch (la
roux). valentino & the dalai lama.

minutes. note one: i went to get
the last minutes. the doc that
talks about all of the patients’ cons.
crocodile committee? next mtg perm.

another good year. quality control.
bert of duality (?). don’t get shrimp.
