Saturday, November 18, 2023


Surprises in Hell

It’s important to keep one’s humor about one
self when in hell. As is the case anyplace, there
are things that can tickle the senses into a laugh,
or a reminiscent chuckle or at least a glimmer of an

overheated smile, even in such a despicable place as
this. While it’s true, of course, that the devil himself is
no fan of seeing his ‘acolytes’ reveal anything the least
bit positive, be it a smile, a laugh, a chuckle, or tip of the

proverbial hat. Ooh, and he hates to witness the act of a
good deed by anyone in this godforsaken place. But humor
still exists, even here, even when the news is bad, when your
‘friends’ spit nails at your skull, and when the chore list is so pain

ful it literally cannot be tolerated. But worst of all is when an old pal
suddenly appears and looks right through you like you never existed.

devil on a t-shirt