Hole for the Holidays
the cashew team informs we should name our
phones like newborns (gerta? godwin?). will
the people back such saddled solutions? they
all. i’ve had a peter mag since the year 2000.
i told my doctor. his name is bill. he gave me
the name of a patient (bill’s a rule-breaking
gloat) who won the pulitzer for esophageal gar
goyles. gargles? in this way, said throat poet
gagged out ballads, haiku, pantoums, google
ditties and a few sestinas. i scan my inverted
horizon for 22 years, furrowed. then i bake over
1,000 pies with no conventional oven. it goes w/o
saying that there are no we love you’s in this hot
box. not even a get up. i mop. i sweep. & i’m gone.