Saturday, January 20, 2024


Welcome, welcome, on and all!
                                                    —Stephen Colbert

“Hello, everyone. In case you missed it, this week has been
Renee Rapp week. We hope you’ve enjoyed it. Brought to you
by black-eyed peas and rice.” That was breakfast. Harold looks
harried.  And like he hasn’t showered in a week (he’d like you

to know he last showered less than an hour ago). Frantically, he
looks through a sheaf of notes, as if studying for an exam. Some
thing important he’s forgotten. But Harold’s schooldays were over
decades ago (and he’s had a bum knee for well over a year now).

He’d just awoken in an awkward haze to a day for which he is far
from prepared, his head so filled with the muck and fog of morning.
“There’s. Just. Too. Much. To. Do.” he mutters aloud, to no one.
And it’s true. He riffles through pages of scribble looking for that

next big move, his eyes swiveling back and forth between the sheaf
and the screen of his laptop, which is playing yesterday’s headlines.

corrections with mister myers